Impact Hood River

Acceptance, Perseverance, Discipline


Impact Hood River

At Impact Hood River, we strive to empower our students through the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Whether you want to be an avid competitor or are just looking to be more active and better yourself, we are here to support you in achieving those goals! 

Free Week Trial

Do you already have experience with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Sign up today instead for our Free Week Trial!

Impact Hood River Programs image


If you’re looking to change your life, look no further. At Impact Hood River, we provide high-quality Jiu-Jitsu education with passionate instructors, a beautiful location, and lessons that last a lifetime.

Impact Hood River About Us image

About Us

At Impact Hood River, we are passionate about Jiu Jitsu. Our staff cares about the personal development of each and every one of our students, and is here to guide you as you go through your martial arts journey.

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Special Offers

Here at Impact Hood River, your success is our first priority. Whether it’s a trial class that will kick-start your passion for martial arts or an event that will help your child come out of their shell, we’ve got you covered!

Why It's Important

Kindness Icon

Our instructors care about every one of our students, both inside and outside our doors.

Perseverance Icon

In order to be a great martial artist, students must learn to persevere. Find your goals and focus on them!

Discipline  Icon

Martial arts is built on self-discipline. At Impact Hood River, you’ll reach your goals, work hard, and learn skills that last a lifetime.

Acceptance Icon

Between our all-star staff, welcoming environment, and dedicated students, you’ll feel accepted from the moment you walk through the doors.

Growth Icon

Jiu Jitsu isn’t just about reaching your black belt – it’s the perfect place for self-growth.

About Impact Hood River

Impact Hood River Our History

Our History

Impact Jiu Jitsu’s beginnings stem from Japan where in 1991, founder Michael Chapman studied “Shooto” or Shoot Fighting. When Michael returned to Oregon in 1993, he brought with him a passion for ground fighting. At the time, there was little known locally about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Michael pulled together training partners and they began to learn what they could through books, videos, and seminars with Brazilian Black Belts such as Rickson Gracie and Rigan Machado.

Impact Hood River Our proudest achievement

Our proudest achievement

Building the new academy into what it is today. We changed ownership in August of 2020 during the pandemic. Basically building from 0 we now boast a 4000 sq ft facility and over 100 members!

Impact Hood River A word from Coach Ryan Brock

A word from Coach Ryan Brock

Jiu Jitsu has made me into the man I am today. I was a punk teenager when I started training, and through jiu jitsu, and awesome coaches, I have developed a sense of confidence and ability to face adversity that I never thought was possible. My physical and mental abilities have increased dramatically through my training. Knowing this is what made me want to provide a place where others can experience a similar type of growth.




Contact Us Today!

Impact Hood River has everything…except you! Join our community today and begin your martial arts journey!

Impact Hood River

1531 Osprey Drive Hood River, OR 97031

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Free Week Trial

Do you already have experience with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Sign up today instead for our Free Week Trial!